
We are a social media start-up company. The name "Dionysia" evolves from "Dionysus", the ancient Greek god of harvest, winemaking, drinking, and madness, as our first app currently under development is for social networking related to young people's nightlife.Please note that this logo is for our company, not for our mobile application software. The logo may later appear on our website, business cards, and other PR platform. We would like the logo to look professional, which reflects our solid financial foundation and development capability.Besides the requirement above, you may have full creative control.

1- Why do you want a new logo? What do you want your new logo to accomplish? This question helps to understand the problem. A: To project an image to our vendors/ partners as a reliable, energetic, and innovative company.

5- Are there any inspiring visuals associated with your business? A: Not particularly. Yes, our apps will be heavily suggestive of the drinking/bar culture. But the company should take a more generous and serious stance.

7- What’s the age range of your target customer base? A: We aim toward the vendors. 40-60.

8- Do you have a tag line? If so, would you like it stated along side your logo? A: No tagline.

9- Do you have any specific imagery in mind for your logo? A: Something similar to Merrill Lynch or, Accenture

10- Do you have any color preferences, or existing brand colors? A: not really.

11- Do you have any colors that you do not wish to use? A: no.

12- What adjectives should best describe your logo? (At least 3, more is better) A: reliable, trustworthy, steady, innovative, thorough

13- What feeling or message do you want your logo to convey to those who view it? A: "This is not just some garage operation.These guys are quite serious and capable about what they do."

14- How do you prefer your logo to be worded or written out? (If applicable) A: we yield creative control to the artist.

15- Where will you logo be used? Where will it primarily be used? A: website/ business card

17- Would you like any addition design services to be packaged with your new logo? A: high resolution source files including vector files and PSD

18- Generally, what logos or brands do you think will appeal to your audience and why? A: Something like the Accenture or Merrill Lynch logo would suffice. The advertising market is already competitive. New start-ups have to show competency before even given a proper evaluation for existing business.

19- Your design preference likes/dislikes or expectations: A: Minimalist design yet visually striking.

Color Scheme:

Base Typeface:


Logo and Alternates:


May 12, 2016

Mobile social network startup