Do You Need a Graphic Designer For Your Next Project?

September 6, 2016

Hey guys!

So I was going back and forth with a client the other day and they mentioned that they aren't even sure if they need to hire someone for their projects. So that conversation sort of inspired me to make this blog post. Right up front I just want to say that I am making this post from a 100% objective position. Yes I am a designer but I genuinely feel hiring a professional for any aspect of your business is a good idea; especially when it comes to the face of your company. So let me introduce a few scenarios for you:

Joe is a developer and he made a webapp that is very functional and feature heavy but design wise is not so good.

Sam is a business owner getting ready to launch her newest venture in the pursuit of success.

Karl is a startup founder with plenty of project under his belt. He wants to make his next project very public and release it on a nationwide scale.

All three of these people have something in common. They are STARTERS. They want to make something and distribute it to the masses. They have the ability and they know what they are doing on their end. What they don't know however is design. Joe just needs his app to work so he made the designs himself. Sam is more concerned with the business aspect of her company so she doesn't even bother with that stuff. Karl on the other hand knows the value of design and how much it can add to a brand. These are the main 3 types of people in need of design work (as I would categorize them): People who don't know they need it, people who don't care about it, and people who know the value of good design.

People Who Don't Know They Need It:

If you're one of these people don't worry! Design is often overlooked as it doesn't seem like it is immediately effecting the business itself. It is very much a passive investment but it always pays off in the long run. Having someone who knows the intricacies of design and the perceived intention behind a brand can completely flip your venture on its head and get you places you can only imagine. Have you been on Facebook recently? The most successful pages exist solely because of their branding and marketability.

Good design encourages your brand and appeals to your audience. That appeal and trust developed by "those drawings" has a very real effect on your target audience and followers.

People Who Don't Care About It

If you simply don't care about the design aspect of your company I implore you to reconsider that standpoint. If you'd like to discuss about this shoot me an email to and we can talk about it. Otherwise all I can say to people who are arrogant towards the importance of design is to go to your favorite websites and tell me what you like most about them. Now go to your least favorite websites and do the same.

I guarantee you the latter had very short talking points. You never even gave them a second look after you visited the page, you closed the tab and moved on. The best way to keep people on your site is to make the content accessible from the beginning and make it easy to digest. Good sites do just that and that aspect by itself is a major part of design. Design is an all encompassing thing and every aspect of it deserves an equal amount of resources. "Those drawings" you mock are only a portion of what a hired designer keeps in mind while working on everything else. So if you don't hire a professional designer you won't just be missing out on "those drawings" but you'll be missing out on every other important aspect of a well designed page. There is more to design than just the looks. Design is the human coming out of a page and talking directly to the user in ways not possible without it.

People Who Know The Value

For everyone else who knows the value of design I challenge you to encourage your friends. Get passionate about what you do and try to spread that passion to those around you. A well designed page is not just good looking but it functions well and in the end increases your conversion rates and allows you to really release the potential of your products/services by getting the full attention of your userbase before they even know they need it.

Well that's all I have for this blog post!

Here is a short aside for those of you who I have done work for in the past:
I recently finished building the testimonials page of my website so if I have done any work for you in the past please check it out and leave a review! I have done a ton of work for people in the past but never considered the importance of a testimonials page for my site until recently. Any and all reviews will come with a discount code for future orders!

Keep an open mind!
Kyle Diggs

Hey guys!

So I was going back and forth with a client the other day and they mentioned that they aren't even sure if they need to hire someone for their projects. So that conversation sort of inspired me to make this blog post. Right up front I just want to say that I am making this post from a 100% objective position. Yes I am a designer but I genuinely feel hiring a professional for any aspect of your business is a good idea; especially when it comes to the face of your company. So let me introduce a few scenarios for you:

Joe is a developer and he made a webapp that is very functional and feature heavy but design wise is not so good.

Sam is a business owner getting ready to launch her newest venture in the pursuit of success.

Karl is a startup founder with plenty of project under his belt. He wants to make his next project very public and release it on a nationwide scale.

All three of these people have something in common. They are STARTERS. They want to make something and distribute it to the masses. They have the ability and they know what they are doing on their end. What they don't know however is design. Joe just needs his app to work so he made the designs himself. Sam is more concerned with the business aspect of her company so she doesn't even bother with that stuff. Karl on the other hand knows the value of design and how much it can add to a brand. These are the main 3 types of people in need of design work (as I would categorize them): People who don't know they need it, people who don't care about it, and people who know the value of good design.

People Who Don't Know They Need It:

If you're one of these people don't worry! Design is often overlooked as it doesn't seem like it is immediately effecting the business itself. It is very much a passive investment but it always pays off in the long run. Having someone who knows the intricacies of design and the perceived intention behind a brand can completely flip your venture on its head and get you places you can only imagine. Have you been on Facebook recently? The most successful pages exist solely because of their branding and marketability.

Good design encourages your brand and appeals to your audience. That appeal and trust developed by "those drawings" has a very real effect on your target audience and followers.

People Who Don't Care About It

If you simply don't care about the design aspect of your company I implore you to reconsider that standpoint. If you'd like to discuss about this shoot me an email to and we can talk about it. Otherwise all I can say to people who are arrogant towards the importance of design is to go to your favorite websites and tell me what you like most about them. Now go to your least favorite websites and do the same.

I guarantee you the latter had very short talking points. You never even gave them a second look after you visited the page, you closed the tab and moved on. The best way to keep people on your site is to make the content accessible from the beginning and make it easy to digest. Good sites do just that and that aspect by itself is a major part of design. Design is an all encompassing thing and every aspect of it deserves an equal amount of resources. "Those drawings" you mock are only a portion of what a hired designer keeps in mind while working on everything else. So if you don't hire a professional designer you won't just be missing out on "those drawings" but you'll be missing out on every other important aspect of a well designed page. There is more to design than just the looks. Design is the human coming out of a page and talking directly to the user in ways not possible without it.

People Who Know The Value

For everyone else who knows the value of design I challenge you to encourage your friends. Get passionate about what you do and try to spread that passion to those around you. A well designed page is not just good looking but it functions well and in the end increases your conversion rates and allows you to really release the potential of your products/services by getting the full attention of your userbase before they even know they need it.

Well that's all I have for this blog post!

Here is a short aside for those of you who I have done work for in the past:
I recently finished building the testimonials page of my website so if I have done any work for you in the past please check it out and leave a review! I have done a ton of work for people in the past but never considered the importance of a testimonials page for my site until recently. Any and all reviews will come with a discount code for future orders!

Keep an open mind!
Kyle Diggs

Keep an open mind!
Kyle Diggs

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